Treatment Profiles
While each case has its di ! erences, I see a lot of similarities in the situations of this community today. Gun violence comes along because gangs or groups of individuals are often looking for prosperity. During the pandemic you see people losing their jobs. " e inner turmoils of depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety can lead to gun-play or drug use. So even though they’re individual topics, I believe they’re all related. You can’t address one without addressing the other. So part of my role with UMADAOP is to help get the message out about what helped change my life. A lot of times people aren’t aware of the services that are available to them to help them handle these life issues. For me, talking to a psychologist was one of the best
things I’ve ever done. I was able to address some of the issues from my early years that I’d held within and covered with violence, drugs, and alcohol. I want to help get the
message out that this organization is available and wants people to take advantage of it. It is now my job to help initiate that change one community, one house, one person at a time.”
“It is now my job to help initiate that change one community, one house, one person at a time.”
- Rick Morris, Lucas County UMADAOP Prevention Specialist
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