Treatment Profiles
Creating Conversation Through Change
As the founding director of the African-American Legacy Project, Robert Smith works to forward the organization’s mission of “preserving the past and gifting the future.” ! e organization was founded on the principles of reaching out and positively impacting the community. Its most recent project has been to facilitate conversations between emerging African-American community leaders and law enforcement o " cers about topics surrounding police and community relations. Protests following the killing of George Floyd prompted the organization to advance the motivation for change beyond the conclusion of those events. Preserving the Past & Gifting the Future From his work throughout Lucas County, Smith says he is aware of other prevalent issues that plague the people of the community. Gun violence stands as one of the top areas of concern. “ ! is community is a # ected and impacted, and I know from my experience of having some background in the services that there is a $ nality to taking someone’s life. You wear that badge for the rest of your life.” Smith says the use and availability of guns in the area has changed the community’s dynamic, creating a narrative toward widespread violence. “It’s something that has to change, and that means $ nding realistic ways to move toward reasonable outcomes for young men and women who don’t understand what taking a life really means.” Prevelant Issues
- Robert Smith, Founding Director of the African-American Legacy Project
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